I did this Family's Pictures last year as well, it was fun to see them again, and how much the kids had grown! They are such a cute family! Enjoy a few of my favorites.....I really loved their littlest boys smile! Sooooo cute!
This is my little girls best friend Kelson....he had the cutest SuperHero party for his 4th Bday!! So I got to take his picture in his superhero cape for his birthday invites....just thought I would share his cuteness!!
This is a friend of mine from Beauty School...I cant believe it has been that many years since I went there! She has the most darling family now!! Teir pictures turned out so cute! It was great to see her and her cute family! Enjoy a few of my favorites!
This was a really pretty wedding and reception..it was decorated really cute in a beautiful backyard and had really nice weather! They are a really cute couple and the boys are as sweet as can be! These are a few of my favorites!! Enjoy!!